We see our elders much like shepherd’s. “Oh give ear Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock, you who are enthroned above cherubim, shine forth.” (Psalm 80:1)


Ed and Wendy Boring met while participating in a youth musical – “Show Me! Jesus!” – in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1972. When the summer musical season was over, they joined several other young people in founding a singing group called “Rebound.”

In December 1973, they were married at Sandia Baptist Church, in Albuquerque. In 1977, Ed graduated from Fresno Pacific College with a pastoral degree. Since then, they have served the Lord together in many locations throughout the United States, and a few places overseas. They have been pastors, teachers, and worship leaders everywhere they have lived.

In early 2007, while living in Monterey, California, Ed and Wendy began meeting with a small group of believers who called themselves “Har Adonai” (the mountain of the LORD). That is where they began their journey into Torah Awakening, Hebrew Roots, and the House of Ephraim. The Borings moved to Lubbock, TX, in 2023.

Ed received his BA in ‘Contemporary Christian Ministries from Fresno Pacific University (1977) (at the time, it was Fresno Pacific College), a minister’s license from Brethren in Christ in Pennsylvania, and a minister’s license from Southern Baptist in California. Plus, he was appointed as President of Worship Alliance Ministries (Har Adonai), and ceremonial recognition (anointing, laying on of hands, prayer, commissioning) as Co-Leader of the Har Adonai congregation


John Conrad and his wife Joie reside in Eskdale, Utah, where they have been among the leadership of the House of Aaron ministry for many years. John is a veterinarian, having earned his DVM from the University of California at Davis in 1976. EskDale is a community of like-minded believers who have built up a modern farm, dairy, and schools.  

John was asked to address the First B’ney Yosef National Congress on the subject of community and national unity. Joie is an active intercessor, having served with such Christian organizations as Aglow International, and is a gifted worship dancer. John and Joie have six children and are grandparents of twelve.

In addition to his veterinary work, John is a teacher, writer, and shepherd of the Eskdale community, which has been in existence since 1955. Recently John described the purpose of House of Aaron by saying, “Our passion and mission is to assist in the gathering of Israel into a Holy Nation with Yeshua as King and the Torah (Word) as its constitution.  Our focus is on Yeshua.” The House of Aaron emphasizes the Biblical attributes of Aaron and Levi which means they seek to bring peace to the body and to lift up the ministry of music and worship.


David Jones is the Senior Pastor of Ruach Ministries International in the Tampa Bay area, FL. He and his wife, Faith, have three children: Yakira, Joshua, and Hannah. He is an Author, Pastor, Teacher, and international speaker.

He has been pursuing an understanding of all Israel returning since the year 2000. David has served on the Shepherds Council with Messianic Israel Alliance (MIA) / Alliance of Redeemed Israel (ARI) since 2013.

He received his Ph.D. from Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary in 2014, and he also teaches on the Biblical feasts and Hebraic understanding of Scripture at TBCS. Pastor David’s desire is to reveal the heart of the Father so that all may come to know Yeshua intimately. He has a passion to bring the body of Messiah into maturity of faith by walking in the eternal paths that the Father desires for His children.


Barry Phillips is the founder and Congregational Leader of House of David Beit Midrash in Gloucester Point, Virginia, established in September 2002. Having served in church pulpit ministries for 19 years, a trip to Israel left him with questions without comfortable answers. The resulting search led him and his family to redirect their focus to reach the remnant of the House of Yisrael, scattered among the nations, and see it restored. 

He serves as an Elder with Bney Yosef of North America [BYNA], inducted at their 1st Summit in 2016. Additionally, he founded Remnant of Yisrael, an online ministry focusing on reaching those left isolated and disconnected, “The Corner Harvest”. His teachings and sermons can be found on YouTube at his “Remnant of Yisrael” channel.  This includes a daily commentary, “Ten Minute Torah,” a weekly program with Mike Clayton called “Foundations For Life,” and the Shabbat teaching from the House of David. Composing over 40 original songs, he seeks to lead congregations in a meaningful worship experience with heart-felt lyrics and fresh stylings.

Barry and his wife Laura have resided in Gloucester, Virginia for 23 years and have 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren.


Mark and Pollyanna Webb reside in Arizona with their 8 children, 10 grandchildren, sons, daughters-in-law, and their large multi-generational extended family.

Experiencing the land of Israel was life-changing for the Webb family. They began studying the Hebrew roots of their Christian faith in 2004. Mark began serving as a congregational leader on 7-7-2007 and is currently building community from a Hebraic understanding at Living Messiah Ministries in Mesa, Arizona, and at Windmill Ranch in Bisbee, Arizona.

Mark and Polly are passionate about studying Biblical Astronomy and observing the prophetic patterns the heavens declare nightly of our Messiah. They are also devoted to studying Biblical geography, history, customs, languages, and the exile and gathering of the whole House of Israel.

The Webb family enjoys traveling and meeting the scattered family of Israel that is being gathered. We look forward to meeting you!
The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of HIs hands. Psalms 19:1

Michail and Melanie Bantseev

Michail and Melanie Bantseev are leaders of a home fellowship near Moose Creek, Ontario, Canada – a small rural community about an hour from Ottawa, Canada. They live on a homestead and have five children: Hanna, Efraim, Shmuel, Rinnah, and Yaakov.

Michail is originally from London, Ontario, Canada and Melanie is from Milwaukee, WI. They met in 2010 through his brother, who has been a missionary in Russia for over 25 years and now lives and serves in Israel with his family.  Michail and Melanie got married in 2011. Both came from a Pentecostal background and, about 13 years ago, began exploring the Hebrew roots of their faith.  For six years, Michail was a teaching elder at the Ottawa Messianic Fellowship, which meant driving an hour each way on Shabbat. They felt led to begin a home fellowship in their home in July 2023 and have grown to four families sharing together on Shabbat.

Michail became paralyzed below his shoulders in a major car crash in 1998 and has been a C5 Quadriplegic since then. He was studying to be a Civil Engineering Technologist at the time, but Abba had other plans for his life.  He completed his engineering studies in 2008 after his car accident and graduated from Bible College in 2010 when he met Melanie.

They have also helped to facilitate the Indigenous Peoples & Israel Gathering that meets every two weeks via Zoom for a prayer call to bring the Indigenous tribes of Turtle Island [North America] into a closer relationship with Israel.