Welcome to the longest-running and largest Bible study in human history! For centuries, Jewish families and congregations read through the five books of Moses (Torah), along with the Haftarah (selected portions from other books of the Tanakh, or Old Testament). This tradition of studying the Bible has played a key part in creating and sustaining a global Jewish identity that transcends national, doctrinal, cultural, and ethnic barriers. Imagine what that has done to preserve Jewish identity during the centuries of exile to every corner of the earth – and how it has strengthened the nations as the scattered Jewish people have returned to the Promised Land of Israel!
That is the inspiration for the B’ney Yosef North America Bible Reading Plan. Starting with the Torah and Haftarah one-year cycle, this plan for the Hebrew year 5782 (2021-2022) incorporates readings from the rest of the Tanakh and Apostolic Writings (New Testament) into a daily plan that covers the entire Bible over the course of the year. The start date is the same as the Torah cycle: the day after Simchat Torah (Celebration of the Torah) at the end of Sukkot, which this year falls on September 30.
If you are in search of an organized approach to the Word of God, maybe this can help. Whatever you do, please do get into the Word so that it can get into you!
Thank you for creating and making available to the public. Almost done and have really enjoyed this. Favorite parts are it adheres to the Torah cycle while tying in New testament aptly and catching up when I miss a few days is a lot easier than most 1 year plans. Am planning on printing and mailing family copies when 22-23 plan becomes available. Thank you