Over the past few weeks, Abba has been teaching me about trust. I KNOW He has promised to provide for my every need. There are SO many promises about His provision, His care, His love … but when I feel like I’ve heard Him tell me to do something a bit unusual, and I obey … my deepest expectation is that He is going to bless that obedience in an overflowing way. Well, the circumstances these past few weeks have opened my eyes to my “expectation.” 

What about when we obey, and He doesn’t “bless” it – or so it would seem at the time. The enemy begins to stick his nose in my business and tell me I didn’t hear the directions from God clearly. I made a mistake. But I can’t go back … the saying “what’s done is done” comes to mind. 

So, I fall on my face in deep humility, first acknowledging my sin of expectation and then crying out to Him to “give me ears to hear.” More than anything I need ears to hear. When the enemy comes roaring around with his accusations, I can stand … I CAN STAND and tell him to get lost, that he has no authority here and my ears only tuned to hear my Father, my King. 

I am also learning that even in the smallest disappointments, there is a lesson there that my gentle Father is trying to teach me. For me, it was opening my eyes to my expectations. 

He continues to teach me about trust … without expectations. Knowing His promises; He CAN work in unexpected, miraculous ways. But, if He doesn’t I can trust that I heard Him, I was obedient, He is proud of me and in the end … it will all be for His glory!

Julia Johnson

BYNA Executive Secretary

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