One morning, not too long ago, after finishing all my morning tasks, getting Ron’s lunch made, seeing him off to work, and getting myself dressed for the day, I sat down with a cup of tea to spend some time with the Lord and read my Bible.

After settling into this blessed luxury and getting that just-right comfortableness, I realized that I forgot to get my reading glasses. Looking around I saw them all the way over there on the dining room table. A whole ten feet away! I decided to try reading without them, but opening to ~ I think it was Jeremiah chapter… something ~ realized it wasn’t going to happen.

Closing my bible I thought what am I going to do? I can’t read without my glasses, and I’m really comfortable right now. I can’t have time with the Lord without my Book. Can I?

Here I am. I have a book but can’t read it. What if I could read but didn’t have a book? I could attempt to recall all the scriptures I’ve memorized over the years. That’s a good start. And I remember that He wrote His Torah upon my heart.

So, I don’t necessarily need a book to spend time with Him. It’s good, always. But I don’t NEED it. I look out at His creation and see Him. I have prayers and praise in my heart to offer Him. In the blessings of my home I am provided for and protected by Him. Through the love of my family and friends I feel Him and am nourished by Him. I truly lack for nothing. He is always with me. He’ll never forsake me. Yesterday, today and forever.

Father, the next time I feel a lack of any thing, please remind me of Your goodness at all times. Help my heart to be open to receive every word of Yours, and to cherish it by walking fully in it.

“For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” Jeremiah 31:33

Candi Runyon

BYNA Strategic Prayer Director

P.S. I decided to get up and get my glasses, cuz who knows what this post would have said had I not.

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