What would it take for Israel to extend an invitation to Christians who express identity with and love for the world’s only Jewish State to come and live there? What about those who identify as Ephraim, and therefore as part of the non-Jewish tribes of Israel? Is Israel close to welcoming them? Hanoch Young has some instructive thoughts about that which he shares in this second of our three-part conversation. It’s not so much a matter of who we say we are, but what our actions say is in our hearts!

Barry Phillips and David Jones also have a few things to say about this identity question. Their midrash, “Who Do You Say I Am?” delves not only into the answer the disciples gave to Yeshua when he asked that question, but the answer we might receive when we ask him the same question. It’s an identity issue that inspires the music we hear from Jimmie Black and Will Spires

Planning a trip to Israel? Why not schedule a tour with Hanoch? Check out his website, kolyehuda.com, to find out his tour availability, learn when he’s back in the US for a speaking tour, and contact him directly!

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