Latest Newsletter Articles
Are We Seeing a Modern Purim Story before our Eyes?
By Tzefania Pappas For anyone who loves the State of Israel and the Jewish people October 7, 2023, is a tragic memory. Cemented into our minds are the events that…
Why do we pray for Israel?
By F. Scott Nickerson Fifteen months ago on Simchat Torah, Israelis living in southern Israel, mostly on Kibbutzim, but also at a New Age Rave music festival, were slaughtered mercilessly,…
A Miraculous Event: Report On Messiah Meetings in Dallas
Albert J. McCarn Messiah Meetings reconvened December 6-7, 2024, in Dallas, Texas. For the first time since February 2023, this assembly of teachers and pastors gathered at Hebraic Family Fellowship…
Faith Through Action
by Dr. David Jones, BYNA Elder In order for the world to see what they need to see, we need to be who YHWH called us to be. Have you…
“Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin.” – a film review
by F. Scott Nickerson Most of us are somewhat familiar with the Bonhoeffer story. But in the last 4+ years, there have been many new additions to the account of…
A Review of Stones of Wrath: The Twins by S.J. Ratcliffe
At the distance of 80 years, the events of World War II in Europe are rapidly becoming the stuff of legend shrouded in the mists of time. If we lose…
Our Trip to Israel – November 2024
with the Marcus & Michelle Bowman family Our family plus my parents recently had the joy and privilege of taking a two week trip to the Land, with the beginning…
The Season of Our Joy
By F. Scott Nickerson “He who has not seen the joy of the Water-Drawing Celebration (at Sukkot) has never seen joy in his life” – Mishnah Sukkah 5.1 This expression…
BYNA Bible Reading Plan for 5785 (2024-2025)
Does it seem that fewer people these days have a biblical world view? That’s what we conclude as we see our world reeling from one crisis to another, grasping for…
Yom Teruah and the Twin Trumpets
By Batya WootenUsed by permissionKey of David Publishing “Make yourself two trumpets of silver, of hammered work you shall make them; you shall use them for summoning the congregation and…
Welcome BYNA Affiliates!
Since our founding eight years ago, we’ve occasionally heard the question, “What is BYNA doing?” Now we have an answer that involves all of you! In fact, you can become…
Repentance as a First Step in Repairing the Breach Between the Two Houses of Israel
by F. Scott Nickerson The first B’ney Yosef Congress was held in Ariel, Israel in May 2015. The excitement was electric as people from 13 countries gathered in this growing town…