What is a greater act of faith – interacting only with those who agree with us at every point, or stepping out of our comfort zone to interact with those who are different from us in many ways? What if the point of our interaction is not to bring those people to see and accept our point of view, but simply to get to know them and see where our God might take the relationship?
These are hard questions Samuel Wearp has considered has he and his family have developed deep relationships with their Jewish Israeli friends. It’s a walk of faith that the Wearp family has navigated by their involvement with Blessed Buy Israel and the Nations’ 9th of Av. Samuel shares a bit about where that walk has led them in this concluding portion of our conversation with him.
Barry Phillips and David Jones address the topic of walking out our faith in their midrash, “Inside-Out Faith,” a topic Melody Joy and Will Spires investigate in their introspective and uplifting music.
To learn more about Blessed Buy Israel and the Nations 9th of Av, visit their websites at:View Post
- Blessed Buy Israel: https://blessedbuyisrael.com/
- Nations 9th of Av: https://9-av.com