This week we conclude our visit Aaron Bishop of Grafted Together Fellowship of Marietta, South Carolina. Aaron has much to tell us about the impact of Grafted Together and of Darash Chai (Seek Life), the ministry the Bishop family has established to serve the faith community in their region. Listen closely as Aaron explains the way Darash Chai developed from an idea to improve quality of life into an outreach and teaching ministry that literally helps people choose life!
His testimony is punctuated by the musical gifts of Mason Clover and Miriam Houtz. In addition, Barry Philips and David Jones pay attention to the season of the year that approaches as we prepare this show, presenting a midrash on the subject of “Winter Prep.”
Aaron’s congregation, Grafted Together Fellowship, and his ministry, Darash Chai (Seek Life), are both on Facebook! Look them up there, or visit their websites:
- Grafted Together Fellowship:
- Darash Chai (Seek Life):