If you could make enough money to live for a year by working only a few weeks, would you do it? What would you do with all your time? And if you could make more money that you need, how would you use it? And is this even possible?
Yes, it’s possible! That’s where we start in this concluding part of our interview with Josh Tolley, speaker, advisor, and author of Quit Your Job Or Die, and EvangelPreneur. As we have heard throughout this conversation, Josh challenges our ideas on labor, money, business, and related topics as he examines these things in light of scripture. The result is a paradigm-shifting approach to how we walk out our calling as ambassadors of Messiah’s Kingdom!
Solomon Lopez and Eved Adonai provide musical punctuation to the theme of this show, and in between we have some wise observations by Barry Phillips and David Jones on the topic of Hardship and Healing.
You can find out more about Josh at his websites: