Our Father, who is in heaven, holy is your name. I and my fathers have not esteemed you. When we see how stunning creation is, looking across a wildflower filled valley or into a tree studded hill slope, we see the magnificence and beauty but fail to recognize that that is your magnificence and beauty. In the creation YOU are revealed. We confess we have not shown your name to be Holy in our lives.

During the past year, each man or woman had it within his or her ability to add in some degree to God’s sovereignty. People with power and influence could have influenced multitudes, while the humblest folk could have accomplished little more than improve themselves or make a slight change in the behavior or faith of a few close friends and relatives. No one is expected to do more than he can, but neither is he pardoned for doing less.” Rabbi Nosson Scherman

Your Kingdom come, Your will be done. We as your children have not remained in your will and have turned aside from your instructions and taught others to follow us, instead of following The Way (Y’shua). 

Our Father, You give us our daily needs and you lead us into forgiveness.

We repent and turn to You and declare, You are our Elohim and King. We are weak in walking out our submission to You and Your Kingdom. You are the mighty one of Israel, the Ancient of days, Shield, Banner, Covering, and Help. 

To You be all power and esteem.

Ron Runyon

BYNA Prayer Director

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