Mercy and Repentance
40 Days of Personal Change, Day 7
Elul 7, 5780 / August 27, 2020

I love the early mornings. As the sun is giving light to the world around me, I hear faint whispers of birds also waking from their slumber and greeting the day. I am reminded how merciful Abba is that He has granted me the breath to sustain me through the night into a new day. Yes, His mercies are new every morning. 

I am also reminded that His mercies draw us to repentance. Repentance is not something we can muster up within ourselves. Just as His Torah reveals our sin, so His mercy reveals our need to cry out for repentance. Repentance is not only about my own personal sin but also about the sins committed by our brothers/neighbors, sins committed by our nation/national leaders, sins committed by generations before us, sins others have committed that impact our lives/world today. Even Yeshua prayed for those around Him as He hung dying on the cross asking His Father to forgive them for they knew not what they do. 

 What is repentance? What does it “look” like? Webster defines repentance as “to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendments of one’s life”. So, it is more than regret or having a contrite heart, it means to turn”, which is a verb. Action is required.  

So, this year as I pray (by His mercy) and repent specifically for my sins, for my rebellious spirit, for the idols I have created in my life and for those of my forefathers. But what action is required of me as I repent? It is fine to say I have repented, but what action is evidence of my repentance? Can one person change the “flow” of curses through repentance to become blessings? As I enter this time of repentance, I pray that Abba will clearly direct me on what action I need to take as a part of my repentance to be a vessel of His blessing. 

Julia Johnson

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