Acts 3:19-21   “Repent, therefore, and return—so your sins might be blotted out,   so times of relief might come from the presence of Adonai and He might send Yeshua, the Messiah appointed for you.   Heaven must receive Him, until the time of the restoration of all the things that God spoke about long ago through the mouth of His holy prophets.”

 This portion of Scripture packs a punch! It’s like a spiritual wake-up call. As I was thinking about this passage the other day, I realized how we often overcomplicate things in our walk with Yahweh.

Imagine hiking with this massive backpack weighing you down. Every step is a struggle, and you miss out on the beautiful scenery. That’s what it’s like when we carry around our sins and mistakes. But here’s the kicker—Yahweh is saying, “Hey, why don’t you put that pack down and come back to me?”

Repentance isn’t always a walk in the park. Sometimes, it’s more like a stumble through a thorny bush! But let me tell you, what relief do you feel when you finally return to Elohim? It’s like taking off those hiking boots after a long day on the trail. Pure bliss!

And it’s not just about feeling good, either. This isn’t just a self-help, how-can-I-make-myself-feel-better tactic. Repentance has a purpose. It’s preparing us for something big—the return of Yeshua! Can you imagine what it will be like when Yeshua returns and sets everything right? It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!

But here’s the thing—we have work to do while waiting. Repentance isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s more like tending a garden. You must keep at it, pulling out the weeds of sin and selfishness so the good stuff can grow. When you start living like this, it’s contagious. People around you begin to notice.

I remember feeling like I was a million miles away from Yahweh. But when I finally swallowed my pride and turned back to Him? It was like the sun came out after a long, dark storm. That’s the refreshing – the relief – Elohim promises us!

So here’s my challenge to you: Don’t wait. If something is standing between you and Yahweh, deal with it today. Turn back to Him. Let Him refresh your spirit. There’s nothing quite like walking in step with our Creator!

And who knows? Maybe your repentance will be the spark that starts a fire in your community. Imagine if we all got serious about this repentance business – we might see a little preview of that Kingdom coming here and now!

Yahweh’s arms are open wide, waiting for you to come home. So what are you waiting for?

Shalom and blessings,

Dr. David E Jones, PhD 

Elder, BYNA

Also, Don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re struggling with this repentance thing. We’re all in this together, and sometimes, we need a little help from our mishpocha (family) to get back on track!

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