The theme for this year’s annual Leadership Gathering was “Exploring the furrows” through 1) Relationships/Connections/Partnerships; 2) Administrations; 3) Doctrinal Integrity; 4) Correction/Oversight; and 5) Mentorship.
Leaders came from Washington, Utah, Arizona, Tennessee, Florida, and South Carolina to Gloucester, Virginia for the 2023 gathering hosted by Barry and Laura Phillips and the House of David. Several leaders accompanied Barry as he presented protocol gifts to the Pamunkey and Upper Mattaponi tribes the night before we began our meetings.
The annual Leadership Gathering is prescribed by the B’ney Yosef North America Bylaws to meet “face to face” at least once a year to transact such business as may properly come before the meeting, such as changes in Bylaws or policies. The leadership prayerfully gathers seeking the Father’s direction for the upcoming year.
This year, as we explored the theme of the “furrows” we were reminded that we need to know what is to be planted to know how and where to plow the furrows. We were also reminded that as we plow the furrows, we need to keep our eyes ahead or the furrows will not be straight and that there may be others plowing in the field and we need to keep our eyes on the furrows we have responsibility for.
As discussions took place it was even more apparent that we, as a nation (tribes lost in the diaspora) are NOT a denomination. As we grow the Northern Kingdom (a covenant people in exile), we need to do a better job at building relationships/partnerships with congregations/fellowships so we can be a better resource for them through “affiliations”. This year the leadership will be focusing on developing guidelines and resources.
Various elders are also dedicated to developing resources such as the recent release of Dr. Suuqiina’s booklet “So You Think You’re A Jo” found on the BYNA website. We are also researching the possibility of translating our resources/website/newsletter to Spanish. These are big aspirations for BYNA and require resources to carry them out. If you are blessed by BYNA, would you please consider monthly supporting the mission of BYNA? DONATE HERE
We appreciate and feel the prayer support of our readership.