Do tragedies make us, or break us? Maybe the answer depends on how we decide to deal with the tragedies. That’s a question Morgan Phelps addresses in this part of our conversation. She and her family are no strangers to adversity – even some of the worst kinds of loss. Nevertheless, they have found ways to survive and thrive through every trial.
A big part of overcoming adversity concerns our relationship with our Creator. Connecting with Him at His appointed times is a very important part of building that relationship. Will Spires and Kelly Ferrari Mills have some observations in song about that, and so do Barry Phillips and David Jones, as they explain in “Divine Nature and the Fall Feasts.”
Want to get in touch with Morgan? Call her at (937) 901-0041 and ask how she might be able to help with your business idea. If you live in South Central Ohio, you might want to take a look at the products offered through Morgan’s food co-op, A Bounty of Eden, accessible at and