What happens when a family makes a decision to be a difference for good in the longstanding division between Christians and Jews? That is what Steve Wearp and his family have been doing for many years! Their journey had begun even before they helped establish the March of Remembrance, the US edition of an initiative that began in Germany to honor survivors of the Shoa (Holocaust) and bring healing and restoration between victims and perpetrators and their descendants. The Wearp family then took another significant step by starting Blessed Buy Israel in 2017 to stand with the Jewish people and combat the rise of anti-Semitism by the simple process of making products from Judea and Samaria available to purchase on the internet, thereby giving people around the world a way to sow directly into the families living in the Heartland of Israel. Most recently, Steve and his family have been an integral part of the Nations’ 9th of Av (now Ten from the Nations), a new outreach helping Christians and Messianic/Hebraic followers of Yeshua understand the history of Christian persecution of Jews, and joining with Jews to mourn on Tisha b’Av, the “Fast of the 5th Month” (Zechariah 7:1-3, 8:19), in compassion and contrition for our part in their suffering through the ages, and in commitment to heal the breach between the two halves of God’s covenant family.
Our visit with Steve is punctuated by musical offerings from the House of Aaron and the Aleph Tav Band, and by a new midrash from Barry Philips and David Jones on “Discerning A Prophet.” Together, these messages in word and song bring us along on another challenging and uplifting journey down the highway of restoration!
To learn more about the Steve’s ministries , check out these websites:
- Blessed Buy Israel: https://blessedbuyisrael.com/
- Nations 9th of Av (now Ten From the Nations): https://www.tenfromthenations.org/
- March of Remembrance: https://marchofremembrance.org/