This week we stay in Covington, Louisiana with Luke and Harmony Patterson as we conclude our visit with them. During this portion, the Patterson’s share with us about their life as sojourners. In their travels around the world, Abba has taught them many important life lessons, including a very interesting encounter in Israel! Our song selections are consistent with our theme during this program which is all about the Two Stick restoration of Ephraim and Judah. Be blessed with the music of Solomon Lopez singing a new version of “Return” from the Hebraism Music Project. In addition, Greg Brown blesses us with the song “Two Sticks.” You can learn more about Greg’s Brown music from Facebook at Gregory Brown Ministries or email him at The midrash portion of Reunion Roadmap is consistent with our theme of restoring the Two Sticks. BYNA Elders David Jones and Barry Phillips begin with a discussion of Deuteronomy 22:1-2, and from there move on to a discussion of the restoration of the Whole House of Israel. We at BYNA pray you will be challenged and encouraged with the message coming forth in this discussion.

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