We come back to North America during the interview portion of this week’s Reunion Roadmap. We get to visit with Luke and Harmony Patterson, speaking to us from Covington, Louisiana. What is it like to travel with your family and live for a time in various parts of the world? In this first part of a two-part interview, Luke and Harmony share with us these experiences and significant life lessons that Abba taught them along the way. Lenny and Varda Harris join us singing “Twelve Tribes of Israel” from their album The Vision. Our second musical selection is entitled “Shake Off,” as in “Shake Yourself from the Dust and Arise,” by Eved Adonai. In this week’s midrash portion, BYNA elders David Jones and Barry Phillips delve into the understanding of what worship is. Does worship always entail music? David and Barry challenge us to reevaluate our various understandings of worship.

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