Who are all these people embracing the Torah, and where do I find them? If you’ve been asking that question, then we have some answers in these podcasts! Reunion Roadmap is a 50-minute podcast produced several times monthly to feature the people of the emerging House of Yosef, and many others across the spectrum of people who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The show airs each Saturday and Sunday evening on Hebraic Roots Radio (https://www.hebrootsradio.com/), after which we upload the podcasts right here. You’ll enjoy these interviews with brothers and sisters from around the world, insightful biblical commentary from our Elders, and inspiring music by gifted artists. Come on in and enjoy the show!
Latest Reunion Roadmap Podcasts
Reunion Roadmap 12/16/2017 – Scott Nickerson: A Rational Look at Torah, part 1
Scott Nickerson of Atlanta, Georgia is our guest for the next two shows. As one…
Reunion Roadmap 12/9/2017 – Tommy & Dorothy Wilson: Praying for BYNA, part 2
We return to Summerville, South Carolina to complete our visit with Tommy and Dorothy Wilson,…
Reunion Roadmap 12/2/2017 – Tommy & Dorothy Wilson: Praying for BYNA, part 1
Two of BYNA’s founders are Tommy and Dorothy Wilson of Summerville, South Carolina. They share…
Reunion Roadmap 11/25/2017 – John & Kelly Mills: Hebrews in Colorado, part 2
This week we conclude our visit with John and Kelly Mills of Doorkeeper Ministries in Eaton, Colorado…
Reunion Roadmap 11/18/2017 – John & Kelly Mills: Hebrews in Colorado, part 1
Our guests this week are John and Kelly Mills, founders of Doorkeeper Ministries in Eaton, Colorado. They…
Reunion Roadmap 11/11/2017 – Barry & Audrey Miller: Observing the Times
In Ephrata, Pennsylvania, Barry, and Audrey Miller have served their community as faithful followers of…
Reunion Roadmap 11/4/2017 – Cathy Helms: Prayer Report from the Wilderness
Cathy Helms is a strong prayer warrior who has served faithfully as an intercessor for…
Reunion Roadmap 10/28/2017 – Keith & Roberta Hess: Finding Israel in Alabama
Keith and Roberta Hess of Bessemer, Alabama, were among the participants at the First B’ney…
Reunion Roadmap 10/21/2017 – Anisa Baker Larramore: Finding Israel in Chicago
Our guest this week lives in the Windy City of Chicago, Illinois. Anisa Baker has…
Reunion Roadmap 10/7/2017 – Mark & Rhonda Dickerman: Hebraic Expression in Georgia
Georgia is once again our destination as we visit with Mark and Rhonda Dickerman. They…
Reunion Roadmap 9/30/2017 – Courtney Rebovich: Honoring Torah in Carolina
South Carolina is another place where the Hebraic Awakening is happening among ordinary people who…
Reunion Roadmap 9/23/2017 – Nathan & Heather Stanley: Carried Through Extreme Trials
Have you been down on your luck and wondered where God is? Nathan and Heather…