Reunion Roadmap 5/11/2019
How did Set Apart Ministries get started? That’s what we hear in this fourth part of our five-part interview with Barb and Bob Klika. There is a…
How did Set Apart Ministries get started? That’s what we hear in this fourth part of our five-part interview with Barb and Bob Klika. There is a…
In this podcast, we begin a three-part visit with Bob O’Dell of Austin, Texas. Along with Gidon Ariel, Bob is co-founder of Root Source (, a…
Our destination this week is Abilene, Texas, where we meet Pastor Chad Perry of Clearfork Baptist Church. Is it possible to pastor in a Christian…
This week we return to York County, South Carolina, to continue our conversation with Kim Trainer and Betsy Ruch, co-founders of Fostering the Family ( What…