The atrocities Hamas committed against Israel on October 7, 2023, should have brought universal condemnation of the Arab terrorist group, but instead has resulted in an explosion of antisemitic violence and international condemnation of Israel. There has been resistance to these horrifying developments, but Hanoch Young believes it’s not enough. Where is the Jewish activism he knew in his youth? And where is the Christian activism in support of our Jewish brothers and sisters? That’s a key topic in this concluding part of our conversation.
Rational people desire peace, but how do we define peace and how do we pursue it? Barry Phillips and David Jones talk about that in their midrash, “Passover and Peace.” The only lasting peace, of course, comes from our Heavenly Father, as we hear in the music of Wilderness Cry.
Planning a trip to Israel? Why not schedule a tour with Hanoch? Check out his website,, to find out his tour availability, learn when he’s back in the US for a speaking tour, and contact him directly!