YHVH’s End Time Weapon
By Ephraim and Rimona Frank If we are going to understand the present Israeli – Arab conflict, we have to examine its roots. The drama…
By Ephraim and Rimona Frank If we are going to understand the present Israeli – Arab conflict, we have to examine its roots. The drama…
Albert J. McCarnDecember 12, 2023 We don’t know exactly how Messiah’s Kingdom will be fully established on earth, but we do know that process requires…
By Ephraim and Rimona FrankUsed by permission Is the war presently being fought in Israel the beginning of the Gog and Magog War of Ezekiel…
by Ephraim and Rimona Frank Used by permission. By now every one of you is no doubt quite aware of the most grievous and tragic…
Let it be known that B’ney Yosef North America (BYNA) stands steadfastly with Israel now and forever. Israel is our primary reason for existing. Israel…
Do we realize what a treasure we have in our Bible? The ancients texts of God’s Word forge a link with our ancestors going back…
My first Sukkot was in Upper Michigan at my friend Rhonda’s house. We were new in the walk and really didn’t know how to celebrate…