I don’t know about you, but when it is party time I clean the house, set out special dishes, create special foods, decorate for the occasion, maybe even purchase gifts. In other words, I prepare. It is all about the preparation. Sure, you could have a party without doing these things, but it makes the honoree feel even more special seeing all the work that has gone into preparing for the celebration. 

And isn’t that … or should I say shouldn’t that be … just like our time with the Father? For me, preparing my heart has a large part to do with setting my mind on Him and worship music helps me. So many times, my heart is full, but I can’t seem to find the words. Not only listening to worship music but entering into worship (making the words of the song, my words, my prayer) helps me to better focus on Him. 

I love classical and jazz music but they don’t bring me into the presence of the Father like worship music does. I have found that when I am facing a difficult situation, it helps me to focus on His promises as I listen to worship music. Whether I am working around the house, driving, sitting outside in the sun soaking up the sunshine, I am listening to worship music. This helps me keep my focus on HIM. This also helps me to be in a state of preparation at all times as I wait on Him to reveal His secrets to me. 

Yes, it is party time and I’m prepared!

Julia Johnson

Executive Secretary BYNA 

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