Have you ever seen a person who is well known in the community of believers and as you watch them, they really seem like a great person of faith? You might think of this person as a modern-day Paul or Mark or any of the early leaders of the believing assemblies. 

 Recently, I saw such a man being interviewed on a podcast. He gave his testimony, and I expected him to tell all about Yah’s power and to tell us how we could become great followers of Yeshua and how we could then save many souls.  (I know only Yeshua saves.)

Well… he shared a conversation he had with the Father. Yah asked him who he was, and he replied, “I am a fisher of men.” The man said there was a moment of silence, then Yah spoke to him, “You are not a fisher of men. You are not even a fish. You are a worm on the hook, which, when put in the water, can wiggle a little hoping to draw some fish to Messiah.” 

The man said it was so humbling to receive that message from the Father. It struck him like a ton of bricks. He realized he had been operating with pride in who he thought he was. It helped him recognize that all he thought he was accomplishing was because of the power of Yah in him.

Even the disciples had the chutzpah to ask Yeshua, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” Yeshua called a little child to Himself, bringing the child into their midst and into His arms, then said, “I tell you the truth: unless you turn from your sins and become like this little child, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 18:1-3)

Abba, let me not become prideful or boastful of what YOU have done in me and through me. I repent of failing to give You all the glory for anything and everything I am and who I may become in Your sovereign will. Thank you for your mighty love and mercy!

Wendy Boring

BYNA Elder

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