Our show this week opens with the second of a three-part interview with Solomon Lopez and our own Tzefania Pappas. In this part, they explain more about the purpose of Beyond the Mountain, their ministry initiative intended to address that which prevents us from living in peace with our Creator and with our neighbors. How does this work, both within individuals and among communities? Solomon and Tzefania will tell you they don’t have all the answers, but they are humbly seeking the way forward in connection with others.

Barry Philips and David Jones carry that theme further with the first part of a discussion about Prophets. As we came to appreciate the Torah, did we perhaps leave the Holy Spirit behind? This is a thought-provoking midrash that calls on us to assess where we are now and where we are headed.

We share as well some more music from Solomon’s new album, “Out of that Place,” which you can hear and acquire at www.hebraism.org.

Want to know more about Beyond the Mountain? Find them on Facebook, or visit their webpage at: www.beyondthemountain.org/.

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