Al McCarn: Christian Zionism 101, part 2
It If God is zealous over Zion, shouldn’t His people share that zeal? Of course, it might help if they understood exactly what Zion is,…
It If God is zealous over Zion, shouldn’t His people share that zeal? Of course, it might help if they understood exactly what Zion is,…
What happens when we do church by formula instead of by the living Word of God and the breath of His Spirit? Kevin Jessip has…
In writing about Israel’s continued place in God’s covenant, Paul writes in Romans 11:15, For if their rejection leads to the reconciliation of the world,…
After two thousand years of misunderstanding and conflict, what hope do we have that Christians and Jews can find common ground and build relationships based…
What is it that Jews do not understand about Christians? What do Christians not understand about Jews? How has that mutual misunderstanding hindered the development…
Have we lost the art of networking? We may think we’re networking when we connect through websites, email, apps, and social media, but are we…
We read about a veil on the heart of Israel, but do we know what that means? Clint Lalum has thought about the veil for…