Sometimes when we’re around a thing for a while – like a bag of miscellaneous items we’ve cleaned off a countertop and set aside to deal with later, or a basket of laundry waiting to be folded and put away – after a while that thing becomes invisible to us, we tend to overlook it, or shuffle it aside out of our way a little bit more, or “put the laundry away” one item at a time throughout the week. Hopefully this type of thing – shuffling around, overlooking, noticing only when it suits us – never happens in our relationship with the Lord. But even so, wouldn’t it be an adventure to step off our normal daily path and try looking at our infinite God from a different perspective?

A Slightly Different Path

We at B’ney Yosef North America have been offering these 40 Days of Personal Change articles for a few years now, and it seems this year has been one of those years to consider a new perspective. We’ve looked at it sideways, top-down, bottom-up, and through our rear view mirror of past articles, and decided it’s time to take a slightly different path. Create our articles around specific themes. So we asked ourselves:

Do we desire to be close to Him? If so, what would draw us to be close to Him? Why? What would it mean?

Do we know how to draw near to Him? What steps do we take? Are they attainable?

How do we prepare to be near Him? Am I worthy? How do I make myself ready?

Are we ready to approach the King? As individuals? As one people?

These became our 2023 40 Days of Personal Change themes around which our articles would be centered. All the articles were written by individuals, each with their individual perspective. As usual, some are pastoral, some are instructional, some are very personal. We’re very grateful to each one who bravely submitted their hearts and thoughts. And so excited to offer each one of them to you, praying our infinite God will reveal a new facet of Himself to you, opening the way for you to see more clearly, experience more fully, the beautiful adventure available to you along your path with Him.

May we be a people devoted to our King. May He always be the focus upon our path. May He receive all the glory and honor.

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