The month of Elul, which leads up to the Fall Feasts (aka the High Holy Days), has traditionally been for the Jewish side of YHVH’s family a time for cleaning our slate, for self-assessment, to look at our own behaviors over the past year and to repent and seek forgiveness as needed for any places where we have “missed the mark.”

The idea is that when we reach Yom Teruah (the Feast of Shofars/Trumpets), after the thirty days of Elul and self-assessment, we will be primed for the ten days then leading up to Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Thus, making 40 days of self-examination, repentance, and turning our lives toward loving YHVH and loving each other.

The goal of repentance has always been a lasting manifestation of personal change. However, for many, “repentance” suggests only the emotions and actions associated with remorse, regret, and sorrow; not necessarily anything about actually changing one’s direction and patterns of living.

Following on the heals of the last two years we find ourselves in yet another historic year of global uncertainties. To apply the processes of self-assessment, prayer, repentance, and personal change is essential. So, its purpose, these 40 Days, is to push us past our emotions to the depths of our hearts to affect a true change which then radiates back to our surface to effect, not just our intimate world and relationship with YHVH, but also to continue to radiate out to the greater world we live in.

So it is again this year, that we offer this daily devotional guide of 40 Days of Personal Change.

May you be richly blessed as you pursue your relationship with YHVH.

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