Barry Phillips has been serving Messiah Yeshua since he was a child – much of that time as a pastor and evangelist. His faith was severely tested when the Lord called him out of established ministry as a denominational pastor and into the path of inquiring about Torah and how it applies to followers of Messiah Yeshua. That path led him to shift from the traditional Sunday church setting to shepherding a congregation that honors the seventh day Shabbat and the commandments of Torah. How did that happen? That’s what we learn in this conversation with Barry, the pastor of House of David in Gloucester, Virginia, the teacher at Remnant of Yisrael, and one of the founding Elders of B’ney Yosef North America.
Interested in learning more about Barry and his teachings? Check out these links:
- House of David – Gloucester, VA:
- Remnant of Yisrael: