A Name and a Destiny
A Devotional Meditation byAlbert J. McCarn Used by permission My mother took up the cause of uncovering our family’s history in the 1970s. She succeeded…
A Devotional Meditation byAlbert J. McCarn Used by permission My mother took up the cause of uncovering our family’s history in the 1970s. She succeeded…
Have you ever wondered about the Name YHWH? The Name Y’shua? The Torah? The Doctrines of Men? The Shabbat? The Feasts of YHWH? Replacement Theology?…
B’ney Yosef North America: Leadership Gathering 2021 Summary Report By Ed Boring, Elder BYNA In late August, for a few beautiful days near Nashville, Tennessee,…
The Intriguing “Days of Awe” by F. Scott Nickerson (with excerpts used by permission from Israel’s feasts and their fullness by Batya Wooten) The ten…
Welcome to the longest-running and largest Bible study in human history! For centuries, Jewish families and congregations read through the five books of Moses (Torah),…
From Israel’s Feasts and their Fullness by Batya WoottenSt Cloud, FL, Key of David Publishing, © 2002, 2013.keyofdavidpublishing.com 407 344-7700. Used with permission. On the…
Reflections on Yom Teruah for End-time Israel from Israel’s feasts and their fullness by Batya Wooten (used with permission) Yom Teruah means Day of Blowing. This day…