Is it just me or does the day start early, end late, and in between moves full speed ahead?

We were on the road before sunrise, a workday at Windmill Ranch was the task.

For us a Windmill Ranch workday consists of –

–  Finding an uncommitted Sunday

–  Arranging childcare

–  Gathering and loading supplies for the project 

–  A 7-hour drive round trip

Windmill Ranch is our community off-grid property where we are learning how to develop life skills using wind and solar energy, among other things.

Being a city girl, this is challenging for me. I appreciate the market on the corner, my flushing toilet, air conditioner, and a long hot shower if I so desire. However, I understand the importance of being stretched, and I have been willing to expand my tolerances and my capabilities.

Sun setting and project completed, it was time to return home. 

About 3 miles down the dusty road, in the midst of dense creosote, Mark slowed down, then came to a complete stop and turned off the engine.  Concern came over me, knowing we were in a spot where we have no phone service and could not alert anyone, we may have vehicle issues.

As I’m about to ask what the problem is, Mark turns to me takes my hand and says, 

“Thank you for what you’ve done”. He then starts the vehicle and continues on. 

What?  I’m in tears.  After an exhausting day and a long drive ahead, did he just stop to say something he could have said while continuing to drive? 

My husband not only wanted me to hear his words; he wanted me to feel them. 

I spent the drive home thinking about how often I thanked friends, family, and my Heavenly Father on the go? 

How many of the precious ones around me do I need me to stop long enough so they can feel my thank you?

Abba, help me to stop long enough so You and those you have placed around me can experience my heartfelt thank you.

Polly Webb

BYNA Elder

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