Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz has had a fascinating journey toward the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. His journey isn’t over yet, as he will be the first to explain. However, he has progressed far enough along the way to gain a bit of wisdom and understanding. He likes to share what he has learned as he continues to ask questions and about the hard things of this life and of our Creator. That’s what we read in his columns on Israel365 News, and in his three published works of fiction.
Eliyahu’s latest novel, The Master of Return and the Eleventh Light, provides the occasion for this interview, but as you will hear, the conversation covers a wide range of topics related to what God is doing at the intersection of the Jewish and Christian worlds. As an observant, Yeshiva-trained Orthodox Jew living in the Golan, Eliyahu has a unique perspective, and great hopes for the future.
The Master of Return and Eliyahu’s other books are available at Root Source at the following links:
- The Master of Return and the Eleventh Light:
- Dolphins on the Moon:
- The Hope Merchant: