Did you ever think of the Bible as an agricultural book? It may seem obvious since all the Biblical writers lived in ancient agrarian societies, but as Bryan Barnes can tell you, it’s one of those obvious truths that we seldom think about. In our advanced technological civilization, we are far removed from the direct connection with nature that defined the lives of our ancestors. Bryan discovered (or rediscovered) this when he and his family returned to farming in their home state of California. To his surprise, he realized that much of the Torah is understandable only in an agricultural context! That’s why the Barnes family launched Growing in Torah, a ministry that brings young people to their farm to teach them how to cultivate the land as our Creator intended, and in the process make a deeper connection with Him and with His living Word. Bryan tells us his story in this and the next two podcasts – and in the process shares some resources to help people of all ages in their walk with Messiah Yeshua.
Barry Phillips and David Jones return to share their observations on how the people of God should connect with one another. That’s the subject of their midrash, “A Camp of Unity.” Mason Clover and Lenny and Varda round out our show with music to uplift and encourage!
To learn more about Bryan’s ministries, visit: