Every testimony of redemption is improbable to some extent. Think about it: a person is heading down a certain path with no desire or ability to change – and sometimes even without knowledge that there is an alternative to the life they are leading – and then the Creator intervenes! That is the reason Messiah Yeshua had to come to earth to take care of the deadly effects caused by our willful rebellion against the God Who made us.
And then there’s MelanEE Lisa Davidson, whose testimony of redemption reaches to the high end of the improbability scale. Not only did she have no desire to depart from her “radical feminist lesbian dyke” lifestyle, she had told God in no uncertain terms that she wanted nothing to do with Him. Yet He stepped in anyway – and continued to step in even when MelanEE pushed Him away.
We hear more of this in our interview segment, the second of our three-part visit with MelanEE. It’s a story not only of redemption, but of cleaning out the nasty things that had blocked the flow of living water in her redeemed life! Which, by the way, is something Will Spires and Solomon Lopez sing about in their musical offerings, and that Barry Phillips and David Jones discuss in a midrash they call, “Digging Wells.”
Check out MelanEE’s memoir, Loved. I. Am! One Woman’s Journey of Shattering Shame Through Experiencing PAPA’S Great Love!, available at Amazon. Also check out her website at www.hisgreatlove1.org/