This week’s Reunion Roadmap comes in the midst of the 70th Anniversary Independence Day Celebration (Yom Ha’atzmaut) of the modern Jewish State of Israel. In regard to this celebration, both the midrash and interview portions are quite appropriate! The interview took place in Jerusalem where we met Naomi who currently resides in Great Britain. She mentions her ancestry as being from the tribe of Dan but explains that her lineage is a “soup mix” of Ethiopian Jewish, Chinese, Irish, and elements from other parts of Africa. You will be challenged and drawn to this story of this mighty woman of the Most High! The midrash portion equally asks a very pertinent question, “Why should we support Israel?” Thank you to our BYNA Elders Barry Phillips and David Jones, who challenge all believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to stand up and be counted as those who will truly stand with Israel. You will be equally blessed by our music portion as Lenny and Varda Harris share with us Hatikva, Israel’s national anthem, from their album “The Hope.” Will Spires moves us with an unplugged version of the song “Yah’s Confederacy.”

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