Did you know Uganda is over twice the size of Pennsylvania? Over 40 million people live in Uganda, and although their country is blessed with fertile land and many natural resources, their lives are made more difficult and cut short by a number of serious problems. One is the devastating plague of AIDS, which impacts a huge portion of the population. Climate challenges (a long dry season), underdeveloped infrastructure, and ethnic and religious diversity also complicate matters, multiplying the challenges Rogers and Betty Kinani face in caring for hundreds of orphaned, abandoned, and abused children at Cornerstone Childcare in their eastern Ugandan city of Budaka. 

We conclude our visit with the Kinanis in this program. Pastor Rogers explains more of the challenges facing them each day, such as providing Torah-honoring Christian ministry to a community where Muslims are the majority. Even with these challenges, there are many blessings and victories, as Rogers tells us. There are also many ways to join them in their work, and even to join in a ministry project planned for March 2020! 

The music of Solomon Lopez and Jimmie Black punctuate the story of Cornerstone Childcare, and David Jones and Barry Phillips tie things together with their midrash on our identity and connection in a global faith community.

Want to know more about this fascinating ministry of love and faith? Please visit the Cornerstone Childcare-Budaka Facebook page, or click on their new website: http://cornerstoneccp.org/

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