Our show this week opens with the third part of our interview with Kim Trainer and Betsy Ruch of York County, South Carolina. As we learned in the previous segments, Kim and Betsy established Fostering the Family (https://www.fosteringthefamily.org/) when they became aware of the tremendous need for children in the state’s foster system, and of the families who care for them. In this final segment, Betsy brings to our attention some of the statistics of people who have been in the foster care system. How many are in prison, or are single mothers, or in other dire straights? Those statistics are shocking, but the answer to these problems is right in front of us, as Kim and Betsy explain.
The featured musicians in this program are Miriam Houtz, performing “Hide Me Lord,” and Barry Philips and the Aleph Tav Band performing “Song of the Prophets.” You can hear Barry each Shabbat at House of David Congregation in Gloucester, Virginia.
As our listeners know, he is also a frequent contributor to our midrash portion. In this show, Barry again joins David Jones to discuss a question from Scripture. Their topic this week is, “Who did God give the Torah to?” If you’ve been in this walk for a while, you have probably asked this question already, but you may not be aware of the perspective Barry and David bring.
We would love to hear from you! If you have questions or comments, please contact us at info@bneyyosefna.com.