Reunion Roadmap 12/16/2017 – Scott Nickerson: A Rational Look at Torah, part 1
Scott Nickerson of Atlanta, Georgia is our guest for the next two shows. As one of the participants in the First B’ney Yosef Congress, he…
Scott Nickerson of Atlanta, Georgia is our guest for the next two shows. As one of the participants in the First B’ney Yosef Congress, he…
We return to Summerville, South Carolina to complete our visit with Tommy and Dorothy Wilson, two members of BYNA’s Administrative Council. Along with them are…
Two of BYNA’s founders are Tommy and Dorothy Wilson of Summerville, South Carolina. They share their unique story with us on this and the next…
This week we conclude our visit with John and Kelly Mills of Doorkeeper Ministries in Eaton, Colorado. What challenges have they faced as ministry leaders? How has…
Our guests this week are John and Kelly Mills, founders of Doorkeeper Ministries in Eaton, Colorado. They have served the body of Messiah Yeshua in many ways,…
In Ephrata, Pennsylvania, Barry, and Audrey Miller have served their community as faithful followers of Messiah Yeshua for many years. How has their community service…
Cathy Helms is a strong prayer warrior who has served faithfully as an intercessor for BYNA and for others for many years. We visit her…