This week’s Reunion Roadmap begins our three-part journey with Glenn and Amanda Miller, who share with us their experience hiking on the Israel National Trail in March and April 2018. They met many people along the way and experienced the Father’s provisions while hiking. Mason Clover blesses us with his performance of “We Want to Go Home” from his album The Isaiah 43 Project, followed by “Out of the Wilderness” by Melody Joy, from her album Awakening. In the midrash portion, BYNA Elders Barry Phillips and David Jones speak to us about the interim between Shavuot and the Fall Feasts. During the summer months, the Father wants us to walk into what we have been given in preparation for what is to come during the Fall Feasts. Let us not grow weary and continue with what the Messiah is doing in and through us. This is a message we all need during this transitional season!

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