Our first show of 2019 goes to York County, South Carolina, just across the state line from Charlotte, North Carolina. We have the blessing to visit with Kim Trainer and Betsy Ruch, co-founders of Fostering the Family (https://www.fosteringthefamily.org/). This unique ministry is dedicated to helping foster and adoptive families by igniting the Body of Messiah Yeshua to build care communities to support and love these families. This is the first of a three-part interview that delves into many important, yet overlooked, issues – including the need to partner with churches and Christian ministries who are engaged in obeying the commandment of our Messiah to love others.
Our musical selections include Will Spires performing “Seeds,” from his album of the same name which is available at cdbaby.com. Also with us is Mason Clover singing “We Want to Go Home” from The Isaiah 43 Project, available on messianicmarketplace.com.
The midrash portion this week follows up on that agricultural motif of Will’s song as Elders David Jones and Barry Phillips discuss sowing seeds and reaping. Are we sowing into the lives of those around us? What kind of seeds are we allowing to be sown into our own life? There are many points to contemplate in this discussion as we navigate our way through the road to our ultimate family reunion!
We would love to hear from you! If you have questions or comments, please contact us at info@bneyyosefna.com.