Hebrews 13:14-15, “For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. Therefore, let us offer through Yeshua (Jesus) a continual sacrifice of praise to Yehovah (God), proclaiming our allegiance to his name.” (NLT)

My wife and I have been on quite a journey over the past year.  It has involved (so-called) retirement, selling a house, moving to another state, staying in temporary quarters, buying a house, and moving into a “new” house.  And those are just the major highlights.

We are not quite “there” yet, either.  As I type this, we are still living in a temporary residence; an Airbnb, in fact.  We are waiting for all the details of loans and escrows and inspections – oh, my! – to be done.  Waiting is challenging. I’m sure all of you already know that.

Honestly, this whole experience has been a strenuous, extended exercise in strengthening our “Trust God” muscles. We have been walking with Him for decades, but this past year has opened up new horizons of understanding, intimacy, and repentance for us.  The lessons have been many, and the lessons continue.

Among the lessons we have received – one which we thought we had learned and assimilated long ago – was the paramount importance of giving Him every moment of our lives.  That is, truly understanding and acting on the knowledge that HE IS WITH US.

He has not forsaken us. He loves us. He is going before us. He knows our needs. He has a plan. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.

We must listen to Him; and to listen to Him we must stay close to Him; and to stay close to Him we must devote ourselves to prayer and to His Word.

We have spent much of the past year prone to focus on a house here and a house there.

He is our permanent HOME.

Ed Boring

BYNA Elder

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