We travel to Greenville, South Carolina, this week to talk with Dillon Litchfield. This young professional is highly skilled in the mechanical arts, but as Dillon is quick to explain, his identity is in Messiah Yeshua. In obedience to Messiah’s call, he stepped into the unfamiliar role of video host on Torah United, the YouTube channel he started as an avenue for interviewing guests from all parts of the Torah Awakening. You might be surprised at the people he has talked with since walking out in faith on this adventure!
We are blessed once again with the musical talents of Miriam Houtz and WIll Spires. Miriam sings “I Will Wait” from her album Shadows, and Will performs “YaHoVah” from The Beauty of Holiness.
In our midrash portion, Elders David Jones and Barry Phillips discuss the incident of the golden calf. Sometimes we can all be guilty of creating in our own mind what we think God wants us to do. The golden calf episode reminds us that we all can create “golden calves” of ideas and call them YHVH.