Do you live by faith? We may think we live by faith until we realize how large a support system we have. The infrastructure of developed countries ensures that we have few long-term worries about the availability of drinking water, enough food (even if it’s not quite the food we like), continuous electricity, and other things we consider the basic necessities of life. That’s not the case in many parts of the world, such as eastern Uganda. We hear a first-hand account of conditions there from Rogers and Betty Kinani, founders of Cornerstone Childcare in their city of Budaka. The Kinanis have been living by faith even before they quit their jobs as teachers to answer our Father’s call to care for the orphans in their community. Their daily obedience to that call has resulted in an orphanage and a school that serves hundreds of children and families. Having come to understand the applicability of Torah to their Christian walk, Rogers and Betty are doing their best to impart these biblical values to the little ones under their care. They share their story with us over these next two shows.
Along with Rogers and Betty, we have a discussion of Perseverance from our Elders, as well as music from Miriam Houtz and Eved Adonai. Come join us for this challenging and encouraging program!
Want to know more about this fascinating ministry of love and faith? Please visit the Cornerstone Childcare-Budaka Facebook page, or click on their new website: