Who are all these people embracing the Torah, and where do I find them? If you’ve been asking that question, then we have some answers in these podcasts! Reunion Roadmap is a 50-minute podcast produced several times monthly to feature the people of the emerging House of Yosef, and many others across the spectrum of people who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The show airs each Saturday and Sunday evening on Hebraic Roots Radio (https://www.hebrootsradio.com/), after which we upload the podcasts right here. You’ll enjoy these interviews with brothers and sisters from around the world, insightful biblical commentary from our Elders, and inspiring music by gifted artists. Come on in and enjoy the show!
Latest Reunion Roadmap Podcasts
Reunion Roadmap 4/14/2018 – Daniel Cho: The Nations Come to Israel, part 1
Half of our production crew was away in Israel for the 3rd B’ney Yosef National…
Reunion Roadmap 3/24/2018 – Mike & CJ Cannon: Cannon Keepsakes, part 2
This week we return to Northern Pennsylvania to conclude our visit with Mike and CJ…
Reunion Roadmap 3/17/2018 – Mike & CJ Cannon: Cannon Keepsakes, part 1
What would happen if businesses existed not to make money, but to enrich the lives…
Reunion Roadmap 3/10/2018 – Mike & Dorothy Pantuso: Interceding for Israel, part 2
We return to Floresville, Texas in this show to conclude our visit with Mike and…
Reunion Roadmap 3/3/2018 – Mike & Dorothy Pantuso: Interceding for Israel, part 1
Floresville, Texas, near the city of San Antonio, is the home of Mike and Dorothy…
Reunion Roadmap 2/24/2018 – Solomon Lopez: Sacrifice of Praise, part 1
We’ve heard the music of Solomon Lopez. Now we get to hear his story! Solomon joins…
Reunion Roadmap 2/17/2018 – David Altman: The Story of BYNA, part 2
David Altman, BYNA’s Deputy Executive Director, continues his story in this show. We enjoy as…
Reunion Roadmap 2/10/2018 – David Altman: The Story of BYNA, part 1
We visit David Altman of Palatka, Florida in these next two shows. David is BYNA’s…
Reunion Roadmap 2/3/2018 – Akpene Torku Sims: Building Community, part 2
In this show, we conclude our visit with Akpene Torku. How did she become BYNA’s…
Reunion Roadmap 1/27/2018 – Akpene Torku Sims: Building Community, part 1
Another of BYNA’s founders is Akpene Torku, our first Executive Secretary. Akpene now serves as…
Reunion Roadmap 12/30/2017 – Will Spires: Singing the Praises of Our King
Will Spires is not only our musical guest in this show, he’s also opened his…
Reunion Roadmap 12/23/2017 – Scott Nickerson: A Rational Look at Torah, part 2
Our visit with Scott Nickerson of Atlanta, Georgia concludes in this show as we find…