Who are all these people embracing the Torah, and where do I find them? If you’ve been asking that question, then we have some answers in these podcasts! Reunion Roadmap is a 50-minute podcast produced several times monthly to feature the people of the emerging House of Yosef, and many others across the spectrum of people who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The show airs each Saturday and Sunday evening on Hebraic Roots Radio (https://www.hebrootsradio.com/), after which we upload the podcasts right here. You’ll enjoy these interviews with brothers and sisters from around the world, insightful biblical commentary from our Elders, and inspiring music by gifted artists. Come on in and enjoy the show!
Latest Reunion Roadmap Podcasts
Reunion Roadmap 4/16/2022 – In the Business of Gathering: Jeff Apthorp, part 1
Jeff Apthorp has been in the business of gathering people since his teenage years. That’s…
Reunion Roadmap 3/19/2022 – Guardian of our Future: Susie Boyle, part 2
What are the odds a child in the foster system will ever go to college?…
Reunion Roadmap 3/12/2022 – Guardian of our Future: Susie Boyle, part 1
Do you know there are ways to help foster children without being a foster parent?…
Reunion Roadmap 2/19/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 6
We still have a lot to learn about living in community as our Creator intended…
Reunion Roadmap 2/12/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 5
What would you do if, at age 50, just as your life is settling into…
Reunion Roadmap 2/05/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 4
When Yeshua said He was sent to seek and to save the lost, was He…
Reunion Roadmap 1/29/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 3
So we get saved, and then life turns out much better, right? All our problems…
Reunion Roadmap 1/22/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 2
How does God reach those who have never heard the message of salvation in Messiah…
Reunion Roadmap 1/15/2022 – Pursued to Redemption: Mark Randall’s Story, part 1
In a sense, we are all caught in a spiritual prison. Our hearts are incorrigible,…
Reunion Roadmap 1/1/2022 – Pronomian Christianity with Josh Ensley, part 3
We’ve heard Josh Ensley explain how his journey of faith in Jesus Christ led him…
Reunion Roadmap 12/25/2021 – Pronomian Christianity with Josh Ensley, part 2
Is there any reason Torah-honoring followers of Messiah Yeshua should pay hold on to anything…
Reunion Roadmap 12/18/2021 – Pronomian Christianity with Josh Ensley, part 1
How long has the Torah Awakening among Christians been happening? At least a generation! It…