Reunion Roadmap 11/05/2022 – Called from the West: The Journey of Tzefania Pappas, pt 1
Tzefania Pappas is one of the founders of B’ney Yosef North America, and has contributed his talents to the Reunion Roadmap production team since the…
Tzefania Pappas is one of the founders of B’ney Yosef North America, and has contributed his talents to the Reunion Roadmap production team since the…
Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz has had a fascinating journey toward the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. His journey isn’t over yet, as he will be…
Does “interfaith” mean what we think it means? Maybe not. That’s the question addressed in this concluding part of our interview with Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz…
Who would have a problem watching and working for the fulfillment of biblical prophecy? More people than you may imagine, actually – especially when the…
This nexus of history is remarkable for many reasons. One of the most remarkable aspects is what seems to be an expanding willingness of Jews…
Do you know that stereotypical nice, successful boy that Jewish mothers want their daughters to marry? Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz doesn’t fit that stereotype. In his…
Barbara Foerster loves Israel so much that she jumped at the chance to return to the Promised Land as soon as the Covid travel restrictions…