Who are all these people embracing the Torah, and where do I find them? If you’ve been asking that question, then we have some answers in these podcasts! Reunion Roadmap is a 50-minute podcast produced several times monthly to feature the people of the emerging House of Yosef, and many others across the spectrum of people who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The show airs each Saturday and Sunday evening on Hebraic Roots Radio (https://www.hebrootsradio.com/), after which we upload the podcasts right here. You’ll enjoy these interviews with brothers and sisters from around the world, insightful biblical commentary from our Elders, and inspiring music by gifted artists. Come on in and enjoy the show!
Latest Reunion Roadmap Podcasts
Samuel Wearp: How the World Changed on October 7, part 3
Whenever we fight against evil, there is often the danger of becoming the very evil…
Samuel Wearp: How the World Changed on October 7, part 2
What is the this current war between Israel and Hamas really about? What are the…
Samuel Wearp: How the World Changed on October 7, part 1
How do we know if we’re living through not only world-changing events, but long-awaited fulfillment…
Margot Crossing & Richard Hewitt: Lost Tribes Institute, part 3
If there is significant evidence that Israeli’s Lost Tribes still exist, shouldn’t someone be doing…
Margot Crossing & Richard Hewitt: Lost Tribes Institute, part 2
Is it too much to believe that Israel’s exiles migrated all the way to Japan?…
Margot Crossing & Richard Hewitt: Lost Tribes Institute, part 1
Amazing things start to happen when people actually believe God will do what He says…
Reunion Roadmap 12/30/2023 – Teshuva Music: Singing of Zion in Tennessee, pt 3
So you’ve just returned home from a traumatic experience in a country you love. What’s…
Reunion Roadmap 12/23/2023 – Teshuva Music: Singing of Zion in Tennessee, pt 2
What would you do if a war started in the foreign country where you and…
Reunion Roadmap 12/16/2023 – Teshuva Music: Singing of Zion in Tennessee, pt 1
The Spear Family of Teshuva Music have had quite an adventure in the fall of…
Reunion Roadmap 12/09/2023 – Margot Crossing: Israel’s Tribes in Asia, pt 2
In writing about Israel’s continued place in God’s covenant, Paul writes in Romans 11:15, For…
Reunion Roadmap 12/02/2023 – Margot Crossing: Israel’s Tribes in Asia, pt 1
What would happen if dozens of researchers began comparing notes on what they have found…
Reunion Roadmap 11/25/2023 – David Nekrutman: A Covenant Relationship, pt 4
After two thousand years of misunderstanding and conflict, what hope do we have that Christians…