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Yom Teruah 10 Days of Prayer
From Israel’s Feasts and their Fullness by Batya WoottenSt Cloud, FL, Key of David Publishing, © 2002, 407 344-7700. Used with permission. On the first day of the seventh…
Reflections on Yom Teruah for End-time Israel
Reflections on Yom Teruah for End-time Israel from Israel’s feasts and their fullness by Batya Wooten (used with permission) Yom Teruah means Day of Blowing. This day signals the beginning of the…
Transform a day of Mourning to a day of Healing and Joy!
Transform a day of Mourning to a day of Healing and Joy! Tish B’Av (Ninth of Av) Sundown July 17 to Sundown July 18 The 9th of Av is…
On Developing A Hebrew Mind and Heart
On Developing a Hebrew Mind and Heart by F. Scott Nickerson To enter into the story of the creation and redemption of humankind requires a special kind of understanding. It…
What Are the Fundamentals of the Hebraic Christian Faith?
What Are the Fundamentals of the Hebraic Christian Faith? By Nathan Lawrence Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources Used by permission What are the fundamentals of the Hebraic Christian…
THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNITY LIFE by Daniel Botkin The Biblical concept of community life – the shared life of a group of disciples in a local body – is…
The Corner Harvest
The Corner Harvest During a time of refocusing my ministry, seeking personal renewal and asking hard questions in prayer, I heard His unmistakable voice say, “Ask Me for the ‘Corner…
Frank Houtz Memorial Scholarship Awarded to Elizabeth Coennen
Frank Houtz Memorial Scholarship Awarded to Elizabeth Coennen Albert J. McCarn May 20, 2021 Elizabeth Coennen has big dreams. One day she wants to open a religious-based spa retreat in…
The Journey of the Bride at Shavuot
The Journey of the Bride at Shavuot F. Scott Nickerson Experiencing Shavuot Here comes Shavuot! Are you excited? Are you ready for an encounter with the Living God of…
Hands-on Restoration
Hands-on Restoration by Barry Phillips Venturing into the world of credentialed ministry was an eye-opening experience for a naive, idealistic young man like myself, and I quickly found my principled…
One New Man Cliché
One New Man Cliché by Ephraim Frank Just as we have been hearing of and seeing the increase of earthquakes and other natural phenomena, so is there a…
My Grafting Into Israel Experience
As I sat down to write about my experience of coming out of my 46 years as a part of the religious system and being “grafted into” Israel this…