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BYNA Bible Reading Plan for 5783 (2022-2023)
The gospels record incidents when the authorities of the day tested Yeshua with hard questions taken from scripture. His answers demonstrated his intimate knowledge and understanding of the Word of…
BYNA sadly accepts elder resignations from Drs. Suuqiina and Qaumaniq
Suuqiina’s Resignation response On August 28, 2o22 the Elders and Administrators of Bney Yosef North America received a letter of resignation as Elders from Drs. Suuqiina and Qaumaniq, due to…
A Thought on Preparing
By Polly Webb The Hebrew word, Asa (Ayin, Shin, Hey) is used many times throughout The Scriptures to depict one who sees a need and is fulfilling it or is…
40 Days – For What Purpose?
The month of Elul, which leads up to the Fall Feasts (aka the High Holy Days), has traditionally been for the Jewish side of YHVH’s family a time for cleaning…
Family Reunion Recap
FAMILY REUNION RECAP July 30, 2022Batesburg-Leesville, SC We are thankful to everyone who made it to the BYNA Family Reunion in Batesburg-Leesville, SC on July 30, 2022. A conservative attendance…
Fasting to Feasting: Nations’ 9th of Av 2022
It’s easy to share good times with someone, but much more difficult to help them through sickness, financial hardship, relational challenges, and all those times when we simply wish we…
2022 BYNA Leadership Gathering Recap
Day one (Tuesday, May 3) of the 2022 Leadership Gathering: Prov. 3:6 says “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path” … Well, we made our…
Change in Elder Leadership for BYNA
Elders are charged with setting the direction of BYNA. Leadership for BYNA is composed of the Elder and the Administrative Council. Every two years at the beginning of the Hebrew…
The Beginnings of B’ney Yosef
by Ephraim and Rimona Frank Shalom Fellow Israelite, We want to thank Bney Yosef North America (BYNA) for the continual efforts they have been making over the past 7 years…
I Will Gather You Radio: A New Collection of Joyful Sounds
Would you listen to a radio station that plays music performed with excellence by Christian, Messianic and Jewish artists? How about a station that proclaims the Gospel of the Kingdom…
Gog’s War or God’s Temple?
By Ephraim and Rimona FrankUsed by permission In today’s world, one of the hardest things to do is to stay focused on our new life in Messiah. There are so…
Exile Haggadah intro
After pursuing a Hebraic understanding of Scripture, teaching Torah, and revealing Y’shua in His Jewish identity for about 15 years, I realized that something might yet be missing. I had…