One of the wondrous things our God is doing these days is awakening a love for and identity with Israel in the hearts of Christians all over the world. At BYNA, that awakening has come with the understanding that we who are redeemed through Messiah Yeshua have been adopted into God’s covenant family of Israel, and in that way have acquired a kinship with the Jewish people. Others understand that awakening differently, but the overall result is a greater appreciation for the Jewish people and a desire to heal the divisions between us.

Since this awakening has been going on for some time, it’s not surprising that there are young people who have grown up in such an environment of connection with the land and people of Israel. Matthew Wearp is one of them. He is our guest in this podcast, sharing his perspective as a young man who, by the age of 20, had been to Israel more times than most people visit in their lifetimes. What has he learned, and how has that shaped his identity and worldview? That’s what we find out as he shares his story!

Along with Matthew’s interview, this podcast includes music of Mason Clover and  Jimmie Black, and another thought-provoking midrash from Barry Phillips and David Jones which they call, “Six Year Strangers.”

Matthew is on the planning team for the Nations’ 9th of Av, which is now called Ten From the Nations. To learn more about what they are doing and how you can be part of this groundbreaking work of reconciliation, visit

Be sure to check out Blessed Buy Israel (, the business the Wearp family has established to help Jewish pioneers in Judea and Samaria.

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