Suuqiina and I live a life of faith.

I guess we all do whether we know it or not.

Everyday our lives are in the hands of the Creator, whether we make it from Sunrise to Sundown is ultimately not within our control.

We only have an illusion of control and have one wreck, one resistant illness, a family member with mental illness, an addicted family member, the death of a child, a financial disaster, Alzheimer’s, or just the act of growing very old and very dependent and the illusion of control quickly shatters.

We simply are NOT in control and none of us are immune to tragedy

I walked past a man sitting on the side of the street today with his cup out asking for spare change. I walked by first distracting myself from his vulnerability and gave myself the pep talk that giving him money would only give him money for alcohol or drugs.

It was a way of separating myself from his dilemma and self-soothing my conscience.

I made myself walk back by and drop a five in his cup and look him in the eye without the stories made up in my mind about who he was.

As I walked on, the Creator clarified to me that that man was my husband and me.

We share what the Creator has put on our hearts to share in ministry meetings across North America and then we too put out our hypothetical cup for help from others to continue to take the message on our hearts to others. Many times the message is more who we are than what we say

Is this man any different? I think not. His life spoke loudly to me today.

Isn’t that all of us. Putting our self out there with our gifts of who we are that we bring to the world and asking for our needs to be met?

Even us “Do It Our-selfers” and “Self Made-ers” underneath it all we know that we are sustained by something greater than ourselves.

Today I am so grateful that I have been given life and that I am able to offer my widow’s mite to the world and others along the way pour into my cup with love, relationship and finances so that I am able to live the abundantly beautifully broken life I have been gifted from the Light and Source of Heaven.

Qaumaniq Suuqiina

BYNA Elder

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